The Guanaco is a wild camelid which lives in big groups of males or smaller groups of females led by a dominant male. There are approximately 600,000 Guanacos in South America and about 80% of them are found in Patagonia, Argentina. Characteristically, its fur is dense, short and has a reddish brown shade. Guanacos are the only South American camelid that adapt easily to different environments. They can live either at sea level or in the Andes at altitudes of more than 4000 meters.
They are relatively good swimmers. It is a much larger animal (1.10 m / 120 kg) than a vicuña. The extremely high quality of Guanaco fiber can be discerned simply by touch. Its wool is of very good quality (15 micrometers) valued second only to that of the vicuña (11-12 micrometers) and comparable to the best cashmere.
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